We've Walked In Your Shoes

ServiceGen provides the extensive experience of transforming services in NSW.

With ServiceGen you can achieve the same success in a much faster time.

And responded to the challenges you face...

Sponsorship & navigating the challenges

Setting up the right decision-making structures with ministerial and executive accountabilities is vital to deliver joined up services across government

Fostering a culture for change

A public sector organisation oriented to customer service is challenging. Fostering the cultural change is a key factor for sustained benefits.

Building capability & capacity

A public sector organisation oriented to customer service is challenging. Fostering cultural change & building capacity are key factors for sustained benefits.

Trustworthy digital services 

Governments face unprecedented challenges in cyber, preserving privacy and using data ethically. With GenAI these challenges become far more complex.

Alongside many outstanding public servants, the Service Gen team played a vital role in delivering...

$2.6B  Digital Infrastructure Fund

creating a world first dedicated customer service department and appointment of Minister for Customer Service

A Service app used by over 85% of people in NSW

with satisfaction ratings above 90%

A significant uplift in internal digital delivery capability

which delivered many of Australia’s leading government services.

Leading Data Analytics and Behavioural Insights Capabilities

for improved customer service, policy development and problem solving

Strengthened Cybersecurity

through a central operating model and a record investment across the public sector

Red Tape Reduction

through a central platform for complaints, compliance and enforcement activities

Opened 100+ Service NSW Centres

and established a single dedicated shopfront for businesses

Popular digital services

FuelCheck, Stimulus Vouchers, Driver's Licences, Trade Licences, Digital Birth Certificate Beta, NSW Digital Identity Beta

Complex legislative change

Personal Injury Insurance, Strata Title, Construction, e-Conveyancing, e-Planning, Liquor and Gaming industry.